Monday, March 27, 2017

Diet Blood Type AB

Diet Blood Type AB this species must have a good knowledge of the system, and must get used to the foods in each of the species A and species B, because the type AB contains both. There are some foods such as tomatoes do not fit the type A, but they never fit type AB too, as it does not fit the type B also, because of the material lecithin Lectins that can not be borne by the people who belong toboth Type A and B. Vochkas this species are characterized by a lack of acid gastric making some red meat is suitable for them Vtakhtzn in body lotion in their bodies, and this trait found in species A, while the other character that is characterized by people AB is familiarity on the meat, and this trait found in species B, and Therefore, this species was very well organized on a few acid in the stomach, and at the same time to get used to the consumption of proteins Alehioanahdleil foods diet blood type AB foods than red Wazznallhom: digested very slowly and stored in the body lotion. Pulses alkaline: proven insulin causing the low blood sugar and it thus causing low rate of metabolism of food .. seeds and grains: also cause low blood sugar level. Corn: Reduces insulin ratio 0 Wheat: slows metabolism and decreases insulin ratio. Foods that help in weight loss: Tofu: increases the speed of the metabolism of food 0 seafood: rev up the metabolism of food 0 dairy products: help to produce insulin 0 green vegetables: help correct representation 0 Pineapple: digests the non-digestible foods and Asa'dalaharkh intestine .. Dog (KELP): is the seaweed helps to produce insulin. Must stay away from smoked foods or processed meats because these foods cause cancer of the stomach for people who are characterized by a lack of stomach acid secretions, and this trait characteristic of people in a platoon A. Meat useful for this species are: lamb - Table-ml - turkey - rabbits - the liver. Prohibited the meat of this species are: pork - beef - chicken - ducks - Al_husal. The marine organisms is a good source of protein, but there are some difficulties that can be encountered in the digestion of lysine in some fish. If in your family history people with breast cancer, God forbid, you must enter snails in your food system and the marine snail has the ability to get rid of and get rid of the disease, skin diseases .. worth of fish for this species: salmon - sardines - mackerel - tuna - CODE - Reply Snapper (RED SNAPPER) - snails - Alhbarh - Shark - caviar. Prohibited fish for this species: the octopus - Shells - shrimp (shrimp) - crawfish - frogs - turtles - Abu scissors (CRAP) crab dairy products and eggs: Eggs are good sources of protein, but they contain a high content of cholesterol, and the persons belonging to these species are also vulnerable to heart disease, and the problem is saturated fat and not the problem are foods that contain cholesterol .. Here we see that the eggs are not quite the type AB, but the chicken from the contraband because of the material lysine found in chicken muscle while not present in the egg, as I like to remind that this species is exposed to the mucous secretions released Vigolhm susceptible to respiratory infections, as well as chest colds and ear infection, therefore, should eat foods allowed and avoid forbidden foods to stay away from health problems. Milk derivatives useful: Mozzarella cheese - milk - sheep milk - cheese Quraish - block - cheddar cheese - Swiss cheese - cheese Karim (cups) - soy milk - soy cheese. Dairy products are prohibited: butter - ice cream - whole milk - milk, butter - Albarmisan cheese - blue cheese - American cheese. Oils and fats: prefer to use olive oil for animal fats It helps to reduce the proportion of bad cholesterol in the body and raise the ratio of good cholesterol in the body. Beneficial oils and fats: olive oil - almond oil - flax oil - cod liver oil. Oils and fats prohibited: corn oil - cotton oil - sesame oil - sunflower oil. Nuts and seeds: Nuts must be addressed carefully and in small quantities may be a good source of protein, but all the seeds contain a substance to reduce the proportion of insulin, leading to a reduction in sugar and low metabolism, the almond is a very good source for this species. Useful nuts are: almonds - Alqaka (nuts or walnuts) -allowes Bajali - Sudanese Almond - Almond Butter - Peanuts - Almcdemia - cashew nuts - almonds, Brazil. Harmful nuts: papaya seeds - pumpkin seeds (Alvcefs bear cub) - sesame oil (sesame paste) - sunflower seeds. Legumes: Lentil is important pulses that fight cancer-causing foods with lentils that is good for people who belong to the blood type B, Valads contains material against oxidation of foods that cause cancer, while pulses alkaline slow the rate of insulin production. Worth of pulses: All kinds of white beans, red beans, black beans alkaline. Tortillas (CEREALS): mustahabb that does not deal with large quantities of wheat, but can eat tortillas in limited quantities, especially made of rice and barley species. Tortillas useful: It is made from barley, rice and wheat. Tortillas forbidden: tortillas made from corn. Baking and Pastry: it looks like tortillas and cereals in the type of foods full Vaalghemh is not allowed, especially in the case of people who suffer from secretions of mucus in the chest or have an increase in weight. In this case, the flour, rice and soy flour is the best alternative for them and avoid bread made from corn. Worth of bread: bread made from brown rice - soy - made from whole wheat bread and protease. Blocked from bread: it is made from corn. Pasta: useful of pasta is: made from barley, rice, wheat flour, rice and any barley and wheat as all types of rice allowed. Blocked from pasta is: type of pasta made from black or any pasta noodles with ground cord and ready-wheat pasta (Indomie). Vegetables: Vegetables are considered a good source to protect the body from heart disease and cancer, especially for people who belong to a blood type A or AB because they have a weaker immune system. Worth of vegetables: beets Exchange - broccoli - celery - option - black nightshade - garlic - parsley -alksberh - sweet potato - spinach - cabbage - carrots - onions types - Pumpkin - tomatoes - mushrooms - lettuce - Ginger - Okra - Olives types. Blocked from vegetables: Ground cord - Avocado - white corn - corn - bell peppers, red, yellow ... fruit: some tropical fruit, guava Kalmanju not suitable for persons belonging to blood type AB, but pineapple is a good helper for digestion. The orange should be avoided from the diet because it works to increase gastric sensitivity, which interfere with the absorption of good metals, but grapefruit is acidic oranges is good for this species, and lemon is an excellent source also for this species because it helps digestion and concludes chest of mucous secretions, as Bananas are a good source of potassium, but it is not suitable for this species can be compensated by other fruits, Kalmhamsh, figs, Alhbhb (watermelon) types and kiwi ... useful fruit: lemon - Pineapple - plum - Kiwi - grapes - Cherry - Apple - Peach - berries - dates - Kherbz - Alcassap - Hindol - Tangerines - Raisins - pear - papaya. Forbidden fruit: bananas - Nargen - Guava - manga - orange - pomegranate juices and liquids: useful for this species to take a daily cup of warm water with the juice of half a lemon to get rid of mucous secretions accumulated during the period of sleep in the morning and can drink a glass of grapefruit papaya or beyond. Useful of juices is: grape juice - juice papaya - celery juice - black cherry juice - carrot juice - apple juice - peach juice - grapefruit juice - Pineapple juice - prune juice ... prohibited from juices is orange juice. Alabazer: Garlic antibiotic is very good for this species is considered as the sugar and chocolate are allowed, but in limited quantities. Avoid black pepper and vinegar because it is acidic 0 and will show the most important Alabazer beneficial and harmful species AB: very useful Alabazer: Abzar Cree - parsley - garlic - dill - salt - soy sauce - sugar - tamarind - Vanilla - mint - honey - molasses - Retriever - cloves - Cummins - Alojar- diamondoid - cinnamon - Herd - Cardamom - Sherah rice ... prohibited from Alabazer: Corn Syrup - pepper types - types -alncha vinegar. Spice: We must bear in mind delete all pickled spices because they cause stomach cancer and also avoid ketchup that contains vinegar. Neutral foods that do not harm them: jam of the allowable fruit - jelly also allowed fruit - mayonnaise - Retriever - salad dressing, "taking into account that be lower in fat." Contraband: ketchup and pickles. Herbal Teas: useful than component of ginger - Ginseng - drinks green tea: Drink a cup or two cups of coffee increases the acidity of the stomach and contains the same in soy enzymes, green Vahaa coffee of the best drinks useful ones: coffee kinds - green tea - beer. .. contraband: Alcoholic beverages - soda (Pepsi, etc.) - Black tea (Elad

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