Wednesday, March 8, 2017

8 Awesome Exercises to Get In Shape Quick

Are you enjoying yourself by eating lots of food with your family and friends, but you don’t know how you should lose the excess body fat that builds up from consuming too many calories? If so, then you need to know the most effective exercises needed to get back in shape in a short period of time.
Most of these exercises should be well-known to you, so all you need to do is stick to it – and repeat these exercises more often until you reach your desired results.

1. Push-Ups

-Doing lots of push-ups is a great way to not only strengthen your chest, triceps and biceps, but also lose excess body fat. So, make sure you perform more push-ups not only in the gym but also while you’re at home and in your spare time.

Start doing push-ups by touching the floor with your palms beneath your shoulders while keeping the core straight. Then, slowly lower yourself until your chest is an inch away from the floor and return to the starting position.

2. Pistol Sit-Ups

This is another exercise you can do wherever you want, like push-ups, because you don’t need equipment to perform it. Complete pistol sit-ups by lifting your right leg to a 90-degree position so that your left leg would be parallel to the ground.
After that, do everything the same as you do while performing regular sit-ups but use only one leg. Make sure to keep yourself balanced so you don’t fall on the floor.

3. Deadlifts

If you want to perform more challenging exercises, you should do deadlifts as they put a lot of strain on your back and legs.
Begin deadlifting by standing behind a grounded barbell. Bend your knees so you can grab the barbell while keeping your back and hips straight. Then, push your hips to lift the bar upright and finally push your hips back to lower the bar.

4. Bent Over Rows


This is another exercise that requires using heavy weights to build muscle mass and burn calories. Also, it’s especially great for those who want to strengthen their traps.

-Begin this exercise by holding a barbell in your hands while making sure your knees are bent and your body is almost parallel to the floor. Make sure to keep your back straight and core tight as you row the barbell closer your chest, then lower the weight to the starting position.

Continued on the next page… 


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